Friday, February 18, 2005

Pylar set me up a page where i can put up posts, you can go there, and post comments I think. I don't know if it's that interesting or if i'm just getting bored with myself from too much exposure. I'm just around myself so much I get bored with myself, but maybe others will think i'm interesting for awhile.
He sure is playing hard with his sister down there. I've been in this business long enough, that it takes a lot of behavior to get a smirk out of myself, sure be nice if I would ever have a social life. But we know the dangers of social life too. Choose your slave master wisely that's what I always say, don't look too desperate, I don't think it's really the social condition that makes me desperate. It's that i need to burn away all unfulfilled desires with cocaine or Herion or something, it's just a theory i haven't really gotten into hard drugs, don't think I will. Is there a legal way to burn off steam so you feel perfectly satisfied for even a moment? Coffee sort of does it, but not enough i don't think. I should be fasting, in too domesticated of a situation to be forced into those spiritual endeavors i was forced into last summer when i was talking to you, when Allah made wives. (This broadcast might continue for awhile, i'm downloading a Celine Dion song for my wife) Celine Dior, a cat/bird mix my toucan love for toucans. Hello Kitty business college, wonder what he's going to put on the screen again.
Machu Picchu do you think my behavior this week might have helped the FBI in that crackdown on NAMBLA members in San Diego, y'know my reports i don't know if I sent you that one, it did go into child abuse, and NAMBLA and today was talking about the evils of child psychology. I just know that I'm so happy when you're dancing there. I'm a slave forever. I can't hide it nor deny it my love.


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