Friday, April 01, 2005

first response from newsgroup

scientisemetemology Inviato: 01/04/2005 19:12 Tye Zaharia The subject of understanding revolves around the simple fact that no matter what we live through or manage in our lives, the observational aspect of ourselves are the true matter of Divine knowledge. It leeks to the bottom of the ratio bucket looking up into the circular externalization and realization in which we are human, but all divinity is progressional through our acceptance of reality around us being what it is in every manner of living.For instance, a limb being severed.One sees the loss of the appendage and in one instance they find it difficult to imagine themselves managing without it.In another instance they see themselves becoming stronger, wiser without it.
Omecronysm is the circumference of all knowledge.It becomes the final step in accumulating all reason, logic and wisdom surrounding the religious/spiritual subject. -------------------------------------RESPONSE (SORT OF)
I hope my is reaching your . but yeah let's see i'm looking at your e-mail and trying to dissect the meaning line per line, Um the first part i'm having difficulty with, er well, i'm not sure if this e-mail is like thoughts that i can adopt into my own personal babbling skills. Or if it's an attempt at behavior modification or all/none of the above. Or words to help expand my mind, or disguised to look like they are expanding my mind, but really throwing my perception off course from whatever it will take to be truly happy. Don't think i want to be stronger and wiser, i'll keep my arms and be weak and dumb (?) Er well i remember now i said something about David and Goliath, and the one who appeared stronger was the one who lost the battle. Sometimes people tell me to be happy with what i have, but usually the people that are telling me that, are people who have a lot more than me, so they are just saying it so i won't get into their league in the competition of life. Throwing out words is a competitive endeavor sometimes. I don't know if this e-mail is within my intellectual capacity to grasp, I suppose i'm getting a taste of my own medicine. I got kinda smooth with that J'lo talk yesterday didn't I, mixing in stigmatas and exorcism subject matter in the same one. Acceptance of the exterior surroundings, i dunno they don't accept me, and then are always projecting this polite manipulative behavior designed to make me feel welcome, while finding subtle ways that my deeper cognizance (the subconscious mind) will understand that i am being insulted, but will not tell my conscious mind about it, so that it starts eating away at me, but i don't really know the cause of what's eating away at me, so they can tell me that it's my own imagination and I am crazy. That's sort of what this e-mail looks like, trying to convince my subconscious mind that i would be happy or more wise without an arm, how am i going to practice writing my next e-mail if i'm missing my arm?
Ratio bucket are we talking about umm, er no when i use ratio i think of "what is the ratio of girls to man in this room" i don't want to be left in a sausage fest, as i transcend to larger circles, oh i get it as we go up this cylindrical bucket the umm, circle gets gradually bigger, but theroetically the number of circles of varying size we are working with is infinite. I don't have to explain that, no one ever explains their motivations to me either, that's the general fashion now. My knowledge circumference got really tender, and was like a living amoeba, (did i spell that right?) I dunno this book of Mormon says something about the acquiring of all knowledge that can be acquired and the mysteries of God, but i think that's just self deception too, since we have a narrow scope of the conscious mind to work with, we are always guilty of tunnel vision because if we expand our intake of cognitive perception too much, we'll get overload of too much incoming information that hasn't been processed, and then we suffer hallucinations, and creates holes in the aura Suzanne was making me worry about holes in the aura where others can get into my soul, come on in girls, come on in to my aura my love(s) i'm inviting you into the holes in my auras because i did some drugs and made holes in my auras according to Suzanne's theory.
I'm trying not to be too vague, but even when i'm specific it's all on the infinite spectrum of vague/specific, and no matter how specific what i am saying appears, it will always have things that will be infinately more vague and infinately more specific, that's how the microscope can enlarge what i'm saying and get more details, or we can get words that engulf the meaning of entire universes, or it depends on what the individual even knows about what you are talking about, or what i know what these words can be used for, and this always leaves room for a lot of telepathy and psychic interaction to fill in the gaps, (i think i should go masturbate now, maybe that should clear things up a little?) physiological er no we're getting into the human organism getting down to the basics. But there's nothing more basic than this coffee house pseudo- intellectualism (i was going to write a pseudo intellectual proof that pseudo intellectualism can't exist because words are too powerful and functional, or words are too intellectual to be pseudointellectual) at least i'm making an attempt to communicate directly, everyone else is just being vague to open up holes in my aura for psychic attack, so i can do all the changing of my philosophy and they can just sit on their thrones and high horses so let's read this e-mail on day 3 of this cyber battle my love(s) usually i think when violence is brought up in a mixture of abstract philosophy, i think the violence and bodily harm is what they hope to impose upon me but now that intention has been pushed into some Reiki Allah disposal sight to be converted into blessings from the Lord, and no human behavior codes are necessary to achieve these blessings, this doctrine involves no behavior modification whatsoever, except to have half a brain and act a little more human and a little less reptilian and cold hearted just because everyone else is following the trend of super intelligent polite manipulative mass murderer (like George W. Bush for instance, or Jesus Christ) and being a follower or participating in their programs, only makes them a part of the mass murder machine the money loving hate and death machine (but we get into clusters and love each other and ourselves while competing with other money-love teams in order to be happy when others fall and die, and their arms fall off) i will accept and appreciate my external surroundings, i will accept and appreciate my external surroundings, maybe the act of rejecting is really an act of acceptance? You know like having a fight so you can make up and have better sex?


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